Craft Beers

Fall River Oktoberfest Märzen Märzen

Oktoberfest Märzen

ABV: 6.0% | IBU: 21 | Awards: 0 | Availability: seasonal

Are you ready to get leder-hosed? Introducing the Oktoberfest Märzen, a medium-bodied ale that’s perfect for those #schnitzelselfies. So, whether you’re stackin’ steins like a champ, or just prosting to the fall with friends, it’s time to grab a Märzen!

Where on tap?


  • Draft Icon Draft
  • 4-pack (16oz cans) Icon 4-pack (16oz cans)
  • Crowler (32oz can) Icon Crowler (32oz can)
  • Growler (64oz jug) Icon Growler (64oz jug)